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It's time to do something!

Download our guide to building enterprise-wide data literacy and get started on your transformation journey!

Databilities® Partnership


Our Databilities® Partnership model incorporates customised enterprise-wide assessments, tools and training to uplift data literacy across the organisation. 

The model is delivered over three key phases of work:

  • Measure

  • Map

  • Develop




You can’t manage what you don’t measure.

The first step is to assess your ‘current state’ of data literacy. Our Organisational Assessment against the Databilities® framework provides an opportunity for you to measure – at scale – the current level of data literacy across a diverse range of your employees.

The Assessment identifies both areas of strength, and areas of opportunity, in specific competencies across your organisation.

Your Assessment is customised to reflect your organisation’s unique features and can identify pockets of excellence as well as those areas of your business that could do with some additional support.

See it in action
myDatabilities® is a free, 10-minute individual data literacy assessment with personalised results and recommendations. 




It's hard to complete a jigsaw puzzle without knowing what the end result should look like.

Developing competency maps for different personas and job families establishes a shared and achievable vision for data literacy across the organisation.


Using personas, we can map an organisation-wide standard, as well as aspirational standards for different job families and responsibilities across the organisation.

Our approach is an engaging and consultative one, with opportunities for different stakeholder groups to contribute to and shape the persona competency maps.

See it in action
View a sample persona profile to see how we match job requirements and responsibilities with the data literacy competencies needed to do that job well.

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Woman using laptop


You've laid out your course; now it's time to begin the journey.

Our strategy and implementation roadmaps are designed to address identified gaps, celebrate existing strengths and support organisational development, including:

  • development and rollout of communications and engagement strategy

  • bespoke training, workshops, online learning modules

  • leader resources, including talking points, checklists and key questions to support leaders in fostering a strong data culture 

  • integration of agreed competency models in position descriptions, hiring and performance management functions.


We work in partnership with our clients to implement their tailored roadmap – whether as leaders or supporters – to exponentially improve data literacy across every aspect of your business.

  • How can we use the Global Data Literacy Benchmark at our organisation?
    The Global Data Literacy Benchmark allows organisations to compare their organisational assessment results against one or more of the industry, occupation or region datasets. Individual datasets can be loaded into your dashboard or survey reports to show how your organisation compares to the selected benchmarks. Benchmark datasets are available via Databilities® Direct and also Databilities® Partnership platforms.
  • What benchmark datasets are available?
    A total of 23 benchmarks across a range of regions, industries and occupations are available. Specific details of each benchmark dataset are available in the following pages.
  • How are the results of benchmark comparisons presented?
    Comparisons to your selected benchmarks are provided in a heatmap format, allowing you to quickly identify areas where you meet or exceed the selected benchmark, as well as areas where your organisation could benefit from greater development.
  • Benchmark: Industry - Accommodation and Food Service Activities
    Includes accommodation and food and beverage service activities. 5,500+ data points.
  • Benchmark: Industry - Administrative and Support Service Activities
    Includes rental and leasing activities, employment activities, travel agency, tour operator, reservation service and related activities, security and investigation activities, services to buildings and landscape activities, office administration, office support and other business support activities. 8,500+ data points.
  • Benchmark: Industry - Construction
    Includes Construction of buildings, civil engineering, specialised construction activities. 9,500+ data points.
  • Benchmark: Industry - Education
    Includes primary, secondary and tertiary education. 14,500+ data points.
  • Benchmark: Industry - Finance and Insurance
    Includes financial service activities, insurance, reinsurance and pension funding, activities auxiliary to financial service and insurance activities. 12,500+ data points.
  • Benchmark: Industry - Health and Social Work
    Includes provision of health and social work activities. Activities include health care provided by trained medical professionals in hospitals and other facilities, other residential care activities that still involve a degree of health care activities, and social work activities without any involvement of health care professionals. 14,500+ data points.
  • Benchmark: Industry - Information and Communication
    Includes publishing activities, motion picture, video and television programme production, sound recording and music publishing activities, programming and broadcasting activities, telecommunications, computer programming, consultancy and related activities, information service activities. 16,500+ data points.
  • Benchmark: Industry - Manufacturing
    Includes manufacture of food products, beverages, tobacco products, textiles, wearing apparel, leather and related products, wood and of products of wood and cork, paper and paper products, printing and reproduction of recorded media, chemicals and chemical products, pharmaceuticals, medicinal chemical and botanical products, rubber and plastic products, non-metallic mineral products, basic metals, fabricated metal products, computer, electronic and optical products, electrical equipment, machinery and equipment, motor vehicles, trailers and semi-trailers, other transport equipment, repair and installation of machinery and equipment. 19,000+ data points.
  • Benchmark: Industry - Professional, Scientific and Technical Activities
    Includes Science and Engineering Professionals, Health Professionals, Teaching Professionals, Business and Administration Professionals, Information and Communication Technology Professionals, Legal, Social and Cultural Professionals. 12,500+ data points.
  • Benchmark: Industry - Public Administration and Defence
    Includes public administration and defence. 5,500+ data points.
  • Benchmark: Industry - Transport and Storage
    Includes land transport and transport via pipelines, water transport, air transport, warehousing and support activities for transportation, postal and courier activities. 5,000+ data points.
  • Benchmark: Industry - Wholesale and Retail Trade
    Includes wholesale and retail trade, and repair of motor vehicles and motorcycles. 9,000+ data points.
  • Benchmark: Occupation - Clerical Support Workers
    Includes general and keyboard clerks, customer services clerks, numerical and material recording clerks, other clerical support workers. 19,500+ data points.
  • Benchmark: Occupation - Managers
    Includes Chief Executives, Senior Officials and Legislators, Administrative and Commercial Managers, Production and Specialised Services Managers, Hospitality, Retail and Other Services Managers. 45,000+ data points.
  • Benchmark: Occupation - Professionals
    Includes Science and Engineering Professionals, Health Professionals, Teaching Professionals, Business and Administration Professionals, Information and Communication Technology Professionals, Legal, Social and Cultural Professionals. 45,000+ data points.
  • Benchmark: Occupation - Services and Sales Workers
    Includes personal services workers, sales workers, personal care workers, protective services workers. 19,500+ data points.
  • Benchmark: Occupation - Technicians and Associate Professionals
    Includes Science and Engineering, Health Associate, Business and Administration, Legal, Social, Cultural and Related Associate Professionals, and Information and Communications Technicians. 15,500+ data points.
  • Benchmark: Regional - Australia
    35,000+ data points.
  • Benchmark: Regional - Canada
    35,000+ data points.
  • Benchmark: Regional - India
    35,000+ data points.
  • Benchmark: Regional - United Kingdom
    35,000+ data points.
  • Benchmark: Regional - United States of America
    35,000+ data points.
  • Benchmark: Regional - Singapore
    10,000+ data points.

Let's Get This Partnership Started

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South Melbourne VIC 3205

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